Echange de Courriers

France :

Hi to all of you,


Following Willy's mail here are our suggestions:


1-We are waiting for the other partners' answers to take our decision about the most appropriate (24-27 November seem to rank first till now)


2-A)According to the project guideline the idea was (in Lituania) to start from the students' experience and prepare a questionnaire-we find it important to respect that first step to do something common.

The objective is to share our answers and analyses in November.That is why we will soon have to present our questionnaire version and share the common points to make its exploitation as meaningful as possible


B)For the preparatory visit it may be interesting to ask the participating students to present their countries (or the partners')or our areas through a short montage, sketch, poem, song (about typical meals...)as a kind of "warming up" session for the group.


C)Then your suggestions(= each partner studying an aspect of the theme) can be discussed in November(it seems a bit short for us in time and such aspects are planned later in thre project).


3-Developing a new site is an interesting and useful project-we must make sure it is user-friendly (easy to log in, to attach documents,...) so that it will muster the interest of our project.


Communicating frequently will help us to make this project as successful as the previous one.We are waiting for your answers.


Looking forward to hearing you soon,


Dominique and Laurent



Pays-Bas :



Le  premier choix Des Pays-Bas EST du 24 au 27 Nov., Le deuxième du 17 au 20 Nov.


En ce qui concerne les différentes activités du projet : ce serait peut-être une idée si chaque partenaire, en dehors des activités communes, choisisse un aspect particulier p. Ex. "alimentation et environnement" ou " alimentation et santé", ou diététique, ou " manipulation génétique" etc... Et en fasse une première présentation (en anglais) à la première visite.


Nous avons décidé, si cela vous convient, de développer un nouveau site Internet (doit être fait avant la première visite). Notre prof d'informatique, Jack Tempel, va Le faire avec Hans.

Avez-vous des idées pour un titre, liaisons, qu'y mettre etc..... ???




Hans, Annette, Willy

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